Le JardiBlog - Gardening Tips, Advice and Trends

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Tout savoir sur les engrais de jardin biologiques

Everything you need to know about organic garden fertilizers

Anyone who has gardened knows that plants need nutrients to be healthy and thrive. In residential landscapes, Mother Nature needs a little help from gardeners to replace depleted nutrients. Because...

L'Essence de la Patience : Découvrir l'Art du Bonsaï avec l'Outil Indispensable

The Essence of Patience: Discovering the Art of Bonsai with the Essential Tool

The art of bonsai, a centuries-old practice that encapsulates the majesty of nature in the intimacy of a pot, is a path of patience, precision and contemplation.For beginners aspiring to delve into...

Comment faire du compost ?

How to make compost?

Good soil, which forms the basis of a healthy garden, is rarely found naturally and must be created. One of the best ways to improve the fertility and consistency of existing soil is to make your o...

Comment pailler et éviter les erreurs ?

How to mulch and avoid mistakes?

Mulching: Essential for the Health and Aesthetics of Your Garden Mulching, this gardening technique where a layer of material is placed on the surface of the soil, is crucial. It suppresses weeds, ...

L'association de cultures pour les légumes et les Herbes

Crop association for vegetables and herbs

Many factors help plants grow, including light, soil, water and nutrients. What many gardeners overlook are the beneficial relationships that exist between plants, a growing method known as plant a...

Les Insectes bénéfiques: Le contrôle des nuisibles par la Nature

Beneficial Insects: Nature’s Control of Pests

When gardeners think of insects in their garden, it is usually pests that damage ornamental and edible plants. In reality, most insects are not harmful and some are even beneficial, supporting plan...

10 Étapes pour lancer un Jardin Biologique

10 Steps to Start an Organic Garden

Growing awareness of the harmful effects of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides is leading many gardeners to turn to organic gardening. This type of gardening is more environmentally friendly and ...

L'Alchimie Verte : Composer son Jardin de Plantes Médicinales

Green Alchemy: Composing your Garden of Medicinal Plants

In a world where the quest for well-being and authenticity is becoming more and more significant, the garden ofmedicinal plants reveals itself as a sanctuary of health and ancestral wisdom. It's no...

13 astuces pour arroser le jardin correctement en été

13 tips for watering the garden correctly in summer

When Mother Nature raises the temperature in your garden, make sure you water your plants properly. Good watering practices will also help you maximize every precious drop. Here are 13 tips to ensu...

Jardins de Vitalité : Célébrer la Journée Mondiale de la Santé en Cultivant le Bien-être

Vitality Gardens: Celebrating World Health Day by Cultivating Well-being

In the excitement of our times, where each moment seems to run faster than our breath, there is a sanctuary of peace and healing often forgotten: the garden. On the occasion of World Health Day, le...

Votre Guide pour Sélectionner les Meilleurs Outils de Jardinage

Your Guide to Selecting the Best Gardening Tools

Welcome to the world of JardiOui, where each gardening tool is a precious ally in your quest to create a flourishing green space. This concise guide is your ticket to an informed selection of tool...

Éclairer son Jardin avec la Philosophie de l'Heure de la Terre : Vers un Éden Énergétiquement Responsable

Lighting your Garden with the Earth Hour Philosophy: Towards an Energy Responsible Eden

In the silent dance of the hours that make up our daily lives, there is a suspended moment, a parenthesis: Earth Hour. This global event invites us to turn off our lights for an hour, a strong symb...

Journée Mondiale de l'Eau : Agir Maintenant pour Préserver Notre Précieux Ressource

World Water Day: Act Now to Preserve Our Precious Resource

In the incessant ballet of days, March 22 stands out not by the brilliance of the sun or the song of birds, but as the guardian of a treasure invisible to the naked eye but palpable in the heart:th...

Vandana Shiva : Une Voix pour la Terre, Célébrée en cette Journée Internationale des Femmes

Vandana Shiva: A Voice for the Earth, Celebrated on International Women’s Day

International Women's Day offers us a unique opportunity to celebratethe female figures who have revolutionized our relationship with nature and gardening. Among them, Vandana Shiva stands out as a...

Célébrons la Vie Sauvage : La Journée Mondiale de la Faune et de la Flore

Celebrate Wildlife: World Wildlife Day

In the calendar of ecological events, March 3 occupies a special place, marking World Wildlife and Flora Day. It is not just a date, but an invitation to delve into the immense diversity of life on...

Cinéma Vert : Une Exploration de Films Inspirés par la Nature et le Jardinage

Green Cinema: An Exploration of Films Inspired by Nature and Gardening

Cinema has the unique power to capture the essence of nature, to highlight agricultural practices sustainableand to tell stories that inspire a deeper connection with our environment. These works a...

Célébrer l'amour à chaque feuille : Le guide de Jardioui pour une Saint-Valentin écologique

Celebrating love with every leaf: Jardioui's guide to an eco-friendly Valentine's Day

As Valentine's Day approaches, love fills the air, and at Jardioui, we believe in celebrating this special day with a touch of greenery. This year, we invite you to take a sustainable approach to e...